Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Juno's profile.

Juno is 16 year-old girl who gets pregnant of his best friend. She has a strange family: her mother is gone and the only thing that Juno receives from her are cactuses each birthday.
His father has got married again and has another daughter with his wife Brenda, then is a functional family. Juno likes annoying Brenda, putting her drinks in a vase of her and blaming her sister.
Juno is a rebel girl, so her parents were not surprised when she gave the notice of her pregnancy and they made like the didn't believe that Pauli was the father, because his look of good boy.
In the school, people don't use to like her because she is a little bit nasty and likes to criticize people.
At the end, I don't think that Juno is a victim, she just did what she wanted and because of it, there was a situation different that the one she expected, but she takes it very well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your delivery, I'd have liked you could write more about Juno's profile, nevertheless it's an interesting posting.
    Thanks for your delivery


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