Sunday, June 5, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Family :DDDD

Family is a group of people living together. There are many types of them, and I think it is the place where you feel security and you feel you're loved.
Sometimes our blood ties are not enough to love a person, but they make us be there when they need and it is a little part of belong to a family.

I like this drawing because it's just like my family :D

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Concepts :')

Friendship: It is the mutual support between two persons, with an interchange of feelings and sharing of moments.

Love relation: It is a sharing of feelings likes and thoughts where love and harmony are the essential components.

Family involved: It could be a real nightmare for some people, but there are some people who have always been controlled, so they need their family into their relationship.

Risks in sex in adolescence: There are many risks, including infections, the lower risk is pregnancy.

Addiction: It is an activity that begins a need in a person. The addiction always causes damage in the organism or mind.

Pregnancy: It is a great thing if it is the thing that person want. But it is the worst thing that most of the girls can think as a consequence of having sex.

Abortion: It is the best way to prove the irresponsibility of the couple.

Sex infections, illnesses: It is proved that information is not enough to stop the spreading. I think is the worst thing anyone can get because of having sex.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Juno's profile.

Juno is 16 year-old girl who gets pregnant of his best friend. She has a strange family: her mother is gone and the only thing that Juno receives from her are cactuses each birthday.
His father has got married again and has another daughter with his wife Brenda, then is a functional family. Juno likes annoying Brenda, putting her drinks in a vase of her and blaming her sister.
Juno is a rebel girl, so her parents were not surprised when she gave the notice of her pregnancy and they made like the didn't believe that Pauli was the father, because his look of good boy.
In the school, people don't use to like her because she is a little bit nasty and likes to criticize people.
At the end, I don't think that Juno is a victim, she just did what she wanted and because of it, there was a situation different that the one she expected, but she takes it very well.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Movie Plot --> "Juno" ._.

The movie tooks its place in Minnesota, in a medium-class neighborhood. The future parents' house is a manssion located in a rich group of houses.
Juno's place is a traditional house, her room is very disordered, it has a lot of posters and strange "curiosities" just like a phone with the shape of a burger.

The first big twist in story is when she decides to have the baby and looks for a good couple to be the new parents.
Other twist is when she meeted the couple, and se "conects" with the man, and sees how his wife has him very controlled. The last twist is when she sent the note to Vanessa, after she decided to get divorced.

The characters:
1. Juno: is a 16 year-old girl, she is irresponsible and disorganized. Tends to be nasty to people.
2. Paulie Bleeker: Is a very immature boy. He usually due to his mother.
3. Leah: She is Juno's best friend, she supports her all the time and helps her to find good parents for the baby.
4. Brenda: She is Juno's step mother. She is a litte bit agressive, but strangely unconditional.
5. Mac: He is Juno's father. He tends to think the worst things about Juno, but he supports her in everything.
6. Vanessa Loring: Is the future mother of Juno's baby. She is very perfectionist and keeps everything in order.
7. Mark Loring: He is the future father of Juno's baby. He's undecided about the idea of having a baby.

Personal opinion: It is a good movie, but it has some strange things out of the reality, as the reaction of the parents when she said se was pregnant or how easy is for her find a couple wanting her baby.
Also, the movie was good to know the ease in the U.S. who have an abortion without having to explain their reasons or being battered by society.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Schools of thought in psychology Ü

Structuralism: It was created by Wundt, considered the father of experimental psychology. It is focused on the most basic components of the mental processes. Wundt's most famous student, Edward Bradford Titchener analyzed the elements of conscious mental experience.

Functionalism: It was influenced by Charles Darwin. The studies are about the adaptation of the beings to the environment. The idea of the functionalism is the "stream of consciousness" explained as the fluidity of the ideas.

Behaviorism: John B. Watson proposed this School of tought, where they consider the behaviour as a measurable thing, which can be observed in a scientific and objective way.

Psychoanalysis: It is a school proposed by Sigmund Freud, who proposed the human mind as an iceberg, where the conscious mental experience is the part that can be seen, but under it, there is the unconsciousness, impulses, wishes and desires.

Humanistic Psychology: It is focused on the capacity for choice of the human beings and it is about psychologycal health.
The beginners of this school were Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Maslow created the pyramid of needs of the human being.

Cognitive Psychology: It sees humans as as active participants of the experience. Nowadays, it also studies processes related to the experience and development in things related to the gender role.

Gestalt Psychology: It is about the patterns: it says that human being perceives the things as whole units, not separate things or sensations.

Information-Processing Theory: It is about the steps followed by the brain to process information.

Applications of Psychology D:

There are some branches that are taught, e.g. in education, business, criminal studies, and industrial studies.
In education, it serves to look for and find troubles in the family and in the school, as learning disabilities.
In business, to find the correct person to make business, or to take as a partner.
In criminalistics, it serves to find the criminal's profile, his troubles and they capacities to understand concepts like good and bad.
In industries, it serves to study the employee and their needs, capacities and compatibility areas.
Psychology has a lot of applications, and each psychologist studies different area in order to give a good therapy, according to their speciality.