Friday, March 18, 2011

Schools of thought in psychology Ü

Structuralism: It was created by Wundt, considered the father of experimental psychology. It is focused on the most basic components of the mental processes. Wundt's most famous student, Edward Bradford Titchener analyzed the elements of conscious mental experience.

Functionalism: It was influenced by Charles Darwin. The studies are about the adaptation of the beings to the environment. The idea of the functionalism is the "stream of consciousness" explained as the fluidity of the ideas.

Behaviorism: John B. Watson proposed this School of tought, where they consider the behaviour as a measurable thing, which can be observed in a scientific and objective way.

Psychoanalysis: It is a school proposed by Sigmund Freud, who proposed the human mind as an iceberg, where the conscious mental experience is the part that can be seen, but under it, there is the unconsciousness, impulses, wishes and desires.

Humanistic Psychology: It is focused on the capacity for choice of the human beings and it is about psychologycal health.
The beginners of this school were Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Maslow created the pyramid of needs of the human being.

Cognitive Psychology: It sees humans as as active participants of the experience. Nowadays, it also studies processes related to the experience and development in things related to the gender role.

Gestalt Psychology: It is about the patterns: it says that human being perceives the things as whole units, not separate things or sensations.

Information-Processing Theory: It is about the steps followed by the brain to process information.

Applications of Psychology D:

There are some branches that are taught, e.g. in education, business, criminal studies, and industrial studies.
In education, it serves to look for and find troubles in the family and in the school, as learning disabilities.
In business, to find the correct person to make business, or to take as a partner.
In criminalistics, it serves to find the criminal's profile, his troubles and they capacities to understand concepts like good and bad.
In industries, it serves to study the employee and their needs, capacities and compatibility areas.
Psychology has a lot of applications, and each psychologist studies different area in order to give a good therapy, according to their speciality.

Psychology :D

The sum or characteristics of the mental states and processes of a person or class of persons, or of the mental states and processes involved in a field of activity.
My own definition is: the science that studies the behaviour of the human being and the mental processes, determined by chemical transformations in the organism and the experiences of the being.